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Explore Northern Region’s Most Popular Destinations

Visit the Beauty of Northern Region.

02 tour places

  1. 01
    Mole National Park

    Home to elephants, hippos, buffalos, leopards, antelopes, crocodiles and many more mammal and bird species, the Mole National Park is Ghana’s first and largest wildlife refuge. The National Park covers an area of c.4,840 sq km of rolling terrain, with pristine savanna and gallery forests along the rivers and streams. You’ll experience a magical safari seeing the incredible diversity of wildlife in their natural habitats. The sounds, smells, and sights . . . This is safari at its best in the savanna of West Africa!

  2. 02
    Larabanga Mosque

    Situated in the town of Larabanga is believed to be the oldest Islamic building in Ghana, the Larabanga Mosque. The ancient Mosque is built of clay in Sudanese style architecture, with supporting wooden beams jutting out of the walls. The Mosque is home to an ancient replica of the Koran, thought to have been delivered from heaven to an Imam after he had prayed for a Koran. The beautiful Mosque has been referred to as the “Mecca of West Africa”.

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